Monday 29 December 2008

How to read "how to books"?

Soon you may see a book with title "How to read 'how to books'?", sometaimes later, "How to write 'how to books'?" in book shelf. Not an amazing thing it is.

I used to read "how to" books sometime ago. How to speak, how to walk, how to talk, how to cook, how to grow rich, how to be intelligent... oooof.. a long list. But today I hate those books. I never find them useful for me, I never find any great achiever because of such books. Those books might have exampled some people, but remember those shall not have even time to hear such book titles. Nobody became great by reading such books. You have to grow by yourself, you have to find your own way, you have to make your own path.
I was discussing the same with a scientist of GE. He narrated a story how these "how to books" are written.

There was a Christmas get together. There met two ladies. One is very short, but not thin and another is very long and has flat chest.
Short lady asked the tall one after knowing her name "I have heard about you some where....".
The tall lady replied "Yeah, you might be. I'm an author, my book is a New York Best seller".
The short lady asked "Oh. Great. What is the title?".
The flat chested long lady replied "How to have a big chest and attract men?".
The short lady looked at her chest, fainted and could not reply.
The tall lady continued "Bye the way what you do?"
Short lady replied "I'm also a New York best seller author".
Tall lady asked "Oh, same profession, What you wrote?".
Short lady answered "How to grow taller?".
Short lady could not keep quite without asking "You have such a short gesture, how could you write on how to grow taller?"
The short lady told "I know short people are crazy about reading a book which tells how to grow taller. How could you write on having a attractive breast, having such a small...?"
The tall lady replied "I know how girls like me are crazy to get big breast. Because I was also mad for reading such stuffs."

Ask Barack Obama whether he has read how to master public speak. Ask Buffet if had read how to invest? Ask Bill Gates has he gone through a book on how to build a company? Ask Paulo Coelho has he read how to write a famous novel? If someone is writing such books on growing rich, ask how rich is he? What is his position in the Forbes List? Even though you would like to buy a book on How to grow rich, first untold lesson is- don't buy a original copy, get second hand or a pirated copy which comes in less than half of the original price. You will grow rich. A smile?

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