It was not tough, I could easily clear both SBI prelims and main exams held in Oct and Nov 2008. I got result of main exam in January. The world already started experiencing a hard time. Thousands of job cuts are being reported from all over the world. It was my second anniversary of Campus placement, joining date was not intimated by the company. So I was happy that I could go to SBI and beat the effect of economic recession or also you can term it as depression on me. But the fate was different.
I went to SBI headquarters in Bangalore on 9 Feb 2008. As it had been mentioned in the advertisement of SBI recruitment cell, a person who has finished his graduation on or before 1 July 2008 was only eligible to apply. I had finished my graduation in the month June 2008. Though VTU had provided me the marks sheet tells I passed the exam in July 2008. There started a conflict. On which date I became a graduate? But the officers were not ready to accept my application is valid because there is no proof to confirm I became graduate on or before 1 July 2008. I had completed my last exam in June 2008, if my university VTU had printed the fact that "he has passed the examination held in June 2008" I had no problem. But they did not.
Later a question aroused. From when should a student considered as a graduate? Is it on the day when he gets result? or from the day when he writes the last exam? or the day when the university delivers convocation certificate? When it was discussed with the educationalists and some high court attorneys they made clear that a student becomes a graduate from the day when he writes the last exam. Result tells whether he became a graduate or not from that day. But now, whom should I blame for this? University- VTU- which did not provide the fact that I passed the exam in June 2008, or SBI- not willing to accept my application because I don't have a proof that I had not been a graduate on 1 July or my result itself?
It shows that our education system only best for eating money.....
VTU has always been so negligent.Never student friendly. What better can u expect when in todays world academics is totally comercialised. A heart broken student of M.V.J.C.E
I dont understand as to why is VTU always playing the spoil sport in our career, right from choosing to be an engineer to graduation. They could not guide us to jobs and when we earn it , just because of such negligence we end up paying such a huge price.
It shows what is VTU!!!
firstly, tell me what did deepak comment..
Secondly, coming to the point,It was unfortunate what happend to you, but, YOU GOT F%%K3D BY THE GREAT(so called,I dont know by whom)VTU.
Mr Rising Indian you sue the university for its unappropriate documentation, negligence and messing up with your career and life and putting it in jeopardy.Every tom dick and harry knows the importance of job at the present times of global economic crisis .
Are people at VTU are as isolated from the public as the VTU campus is?, are they Lack minimum common sense ?
I presume, these colleges and universities must come under scanner.
People its time to wake up and screw the people who mess up our lives for no fault of ours.
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