Wednesday 18 April 2012

The Monk’s Second letter: Embrace your fear

Second secret letter of the monk who sold his Ferrari asks us to embrace our fear. Mr Antoine, sitting at the Catacombs of the Paris handed over the talisman and the letter to Jonathan. The talisman symbolized the fear, a metal skull.

What holds us back in life is the invisible architecture of fear. It keeps us in our comfort zones, which are, in truth, the least safe place in which to live. Indeed the greatest risk in life is taking no risk. But every time we do that which we fear, we take back the power that fear has stolen from us - for on the other side of fear lives our strength. Every time we step into the discomfort of growth and progress, we become more free. The more fears we walk through, the more power we reclaim. In this way, we grow both fearless and powerful, and thus are able to live the lives of our dreams.

You can download all the 9 secret letters with Talisman pictures of  the secret letters of the monk who sold his Ferrari at the 9th letter here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link dude.

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